Salut à tous, Mon tour de France par les côtes et les frontières à vélo cela fait un moment que j'y pense et que je m'y prépare mentalement. Alors je m'y consacre depuis janvier 2011, c'est un vrai chalenge que je me suis fixé, le lundi 27 juin sera pour moi un moment chargé d'émotion. 8000 kilomètres m'attendent pour juillet et août, le jour "J" c'est pour dans un petit mois. A très bientôt sur les routes Sportivement PIERRICK
vendredi 29 novembre 2013
Hope that you are fine,well i just want to inform you that i was able to get a friend from USA who has assisted me in getting the funds across to him for the investment projects and i must say thanks for your attempt to help me in this regards and besides i did not forget your interest to assist me,though it failed because you felt that i was trying to scam you,but God knows that i was trying to be a friend and a brother.
Well,i have sat and decides that i will compensate you with 1,MILLION Euros,which i gave to friend of mine infact i told him to contact you and make sure that he release the grant to you,his name in Tom Kelvin,i cannot do that because i am under security conscious like you know previously.
Finally,here is my friend email address,if he has not contacted you,get in touch with him and take that little token from me,May GOD bless you,
My friend email:
Waiting for your reply,
Jerry F.Lean.
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